Not all homes are built the same, meaning that there isn’t always a standard place for the furnace to be located. For that reason, furnaces differ in terms of what is known as their airflow configuration–essentially, what part of the furnace the heat is coming out of. If you would like to learn more about this crucial distinction, read on. This article will discuss the three main types of air flow configuration.
Upflow Furnace
As its name would suggest, an upflow furnace is designed so that heated air is pushed out to the duct system through the top of the furnace. This is the most common furnace airflow configuration. That’s because it pairs naturally with homes where the duct system will be located above the furnace–in other words, in a space such as the basement.
Upflow furnaces can be further broken down into two categories: highboys and lowboys. The difference here has to do with the height of the furnace, with lowboys naturally being a little bit shorter. This makes them the natural choice for basements with especially low ceilings. The position of the blower may also differ between the two types of upflow furnace.
Downflow Furnace
By now you can probably guess the difference between an upflow and a downflow furnace. Also sometimes referred to as “counterflow” furnaces, a downflow furnace is utilized in situations where the duct system is found below the furnace itself. Because the discharge port is located on the bottom, a downflow furnace is much easier to connect to such a duct system.
To learn more about what type of furnace is installed in your home, feel free to contact the experts at McKee Energy Solutions.