Combustion Analysis
The basic idea behind combustion analysis is to measure the amounts of various chemicals present in your furnace’s exhaust gas. This information will give a furnace technician valuable insights into how effectively your furnace is doing its job. That’s because, when combustion is not proceeding efficiently, there will be greater amounts of byproducts such as carbon and sulfur monoxide.
Combustion analysis is conducted using special tool that consists of two parts. One part–the probe–is placed inside of the flue pipe directly outside of your furnace’s combustion chamber. The second part consists of a hand-held digital analyzer. This analyzer receives wireless information sent to it by the probe, and allows the technician to understand the particular make-up of your furnace exhaust.
Combustion analysis in itself is merely a diagnostic tool. In other words, its purpose is simply to provide information from which the technician may then deduce likely causes. When certain exhaust byproducts are present in excessive amounts, the technician will know to make adjustments to such things as the gas pressure or the air-fuel ratio. These adjustments will both reduce the undesirable byproducts and promote more efficient combustion, thus lowering the overall cost of heating.
For more information about how combustion analysis can benefit your Rhode Island home, please contact the experts at McKee Energy Solutions.