As you have likely noticed by the subtle changes in the weather, fall is officially upon us. This means that the days will be getting shorter, and the temperatures will soon be dropping, which makes it important that your heater is working properly so that it will be able to keep you and your family warm throughout the coming cold months. Yet, how will you know if your heater needs repairing? Here are a few signs to be on the lookout for which can indicate that you may be in need of Pawtucket heating repairs.
You Hear Unusual Sounds
Your heating system is bound to make some noise when it first turns on, however, it is important that you are aware of the normal sounds your heating systems makes so that you can notice anything out of the ordinary. If you suddenly begin to hear loud banging, thumping, scraping, or squealing noises when your heater is running, then it is likely that there is a broken part that needs repairing.
You Can’t Keep Warm
An obvious sign of problems with your heater is if you cannot seem to get warm, even when your system is running. It is a good idea to run your heater a couple of times early in the season to make sure that it is functioning properly. If your heater does not seem to produce sufficient heat when you test it, then you are in definite need of repairs.
Your System is Aging
On average, most heating systems live about 15 years; however, if a system is properly maintained it can live much longer than that. This makes it important that you have your system properly maintained, and that you have repairs performed when needed. As your system ages, it can be a good idea to have your heater professionally maintenanced once a year, as this will help to ensure it runs at peak efficiency, and that problems are detected and repaired as soon as they pop up.
Contact McKee Energy Solutions to learn more about how you can tell if your heating system may be in need of servicing.