When it’s time to replace your heating system, one of the main questions to consider is the source of fuel your new furnace should use. While many homeowners use natural gas furnaces, switching to an oil furnace may be a better choice. Here are five advantages of choosing an oil furnace.
A gas furnace will typically need to be replaced after about fifteen years. A properly-maintained oil furnace will last as long as thirty years.
Energy Savings
An oil furnace will produce more heat than a natural gas furnace while consuming less energy. A gallon of oil delivers more heat per BTU than a gallon of natural gas. It burns hotter than natural gas and heats your home more quickly. Converting to an oil furnace will save you money on your heating costs each year.
All fuel prices will fluctuate based on supply and demand. However, as oil production increases throughout the United States, heating with oil is more cost-effective than heating with natural gas. Heating oil is more widely available compared to natural gas. A new oil furnace will cost less upfront than a new gas furnace, and will also be less expensive to operate than an electric or natural gas furnace.
A well-maintained oil furnace will burn cleanly. It will not release smoke or soot into your home, and will not produce any odors. Heating oil is also better for the environment than heating with gas or electricity.
In terms of safety, heating oil is a better choice than natural gas. Unlike natural gas and propane, heating oil is not explosive. It will not burn while in a liquid state. Heating oil is also environmentally sound. It’s non-toxic and biodegradable.
To learn more about the benefits of heating with oil, or to schedule installation or service, please contact McKee Energy Solutions. We look forward to serving you.