If you live in Rhode Island, you’re not in a position to mess around when it comes to heat. Not only does it need to work, it needs to work well. With a few wrong choices, even a functional furnace can lead to cold days, high costs, and a list of other problems you don’t want to have to deal with. Arguably the most important question you’ll find yourself answering is whether to go with gas or oil. Here are a few things to consider before you make that decision.
Let’s start with the basics. An oil furnace will put out more heat per BTU than a gas furnace, as well as several other heating options. It also burns at a much higher level of efficiency than gas, which means that you get more heat for your money. Oil burns much hotter than gas as well, which makes it even more efficient, and also heats your house more quickly.
Original Cost
Believe it or not, an oil furnace can actually cost much less than other types of furnaces, including gas. Although there are many costs to consider, saving thousands of dollars from the beginning is a great way to start out.
Unfortunately, there are some things that you just can’t control. Many areas don’t have access to natural gas which makes it difficult or impossible to use. Oil, on the other hand, can be made available pretty much anywhere.
Although it may not be the first difference you think about, oil is much safer than gas. Oil is not explosive, which means that it’s much less likely than gas to cause fire related issues.
There are a number of things to consider when it comes to deciding whether to install a gas furnace or an oil furnace, but it seems that, in general, oil is the way to go. Have more questions about oil, or interested in making a switch? Contact us. We at McKee Energy Solutions are experts on heating and we would be happy to point you in the right direction.