Maintaining Your Heating System Balance Point
Identifying your home heating system’s balance point can help you determine if your system is working properly and if it is operating efficiently. When the correct balance point is maintained, you are likely to need less repairs and may experience less system breakdowns. This is especially important during the recent extreme winter weather New England has been experiencing this year.
Determining your balance point depends on the capacity and the load of your heating system. Where these two points meet is the heating system balance point. The relationship between the home’s heat pump capacity and the homes heating load depend on certain specific points such as:
- As temperature decreases, the load increases and the heating capacity decreases
- At a specific temperature, the capacity is equal to the load. This is the balance point.
- For temperature ranges below this balance point, the heating system will need supplemental heat.
If your Heating system is not reaching the correct or most efficient balance point, there may be a few corrections your Emergency Heat Repair/service professional can preform to remedy the issue.
Heating System Checks
- Make sure the duct system is free of cracks or damage that may allow heated air to escape the system. Be sure to check for leaks at sealing points and joints through out the system.
- Heat can escape through doors and windows that aren’t sealing properly when closed, adding weather stripping to these areas may remedy these issues.
- Check the filtration system, bad filtration caused by dirty air filters can cause your heat pump to work hard to maintain decent air flow through out the house.
The experts with McKee Energy Solutions can determine your home’s most efficient balance point and make changes to your HVAC system in order to reach top efficiency levels. For more information on how to make your heating system run top-notch, please contact us.