How Weather Impacts Indoor Air Quality

How Weather Impacts Indoor Air Quality

Most people decide to stay indoors during a storm or an intense heatwave. However, outdoor weather and extreme temperatures actually impact indoor air quality as well. Here are just a few ways that extreme weather impacts the air quality of a home.

How Extreme Weather Affects Air Quality

When high temperatures prevail for a prolonged period of time, buildings tend to heat up, making the indoors uncomfortable. When temperatures rise, plants begin to release more pollen, which is bad for indoor and outdoor air quality alike.

Even electrical blackouts can have an impact on an individual’s overall health. This is because people often turn on portable electrical power generators, which release a significant amount of carbon monoxide, causing home residents to inhale the gas.

During rainy weather, areas of the house tend to become damp and covered in molds, like fungi. These molds have an adverse effect on the air quality in a home.

Air conditioners are capable of gathering too much dirt and dust when in use, and this converts to mold inside the AC. This, in turn, affects the quality of a home’s air. Sometimes, intense temperatures can even cause the building material to heat up, resulting in toxic emissions.

While most of these weather conditions occur in warm weather, winter outdoor weather has the potential to impact indoor air quality as well. During winter, people tend to stay indoors most of the time. This causes air quality issues when there is no proper ventilation. Without effective ventilation, the carbon dioxide content tends to build up, which may lead to headaches and lethargy.

To be safe and ensure quality air is breathed indoors, homeowners need a good ventilation system. This way, the air in the home does not become stagnant and stays fresh.

Contact us to learn more about how McKee Energy Services gets customers the HVAC solutions needed for enhanced air quality.

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